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  • Directions - monthly newsletter for UK Direct monthly newsletter released 1st week of every month. Light-hearted entertainment. Aimed for the simmer but contains a brief synopsis of real-world news.
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Whats New?

Updates, as and when I get round to to it!

  • 29/07/06 Albatross D.II/D.III, Albatross D V, Fokker D VII and Farman MF.11 1st WW bi-planes pages added to database.
  • 26/04/06 Another free download for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004. A BAC 1-11-500.
  • 16/04/06 New aircraft to download and fly in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004, MD-11 in Pacific Direct Airways colours.
  • 15/02/06 Added pictures from a visit to RAF Cosford, home of the RAF’s museam.
  • 14/02/06 Updated the Concorde history page.
  • 05/02/06 Added another repaint and a flight package for FS2004, in the Simulator section.
  • 29/01/06 Regular visitors will notice a whole site redesign has started!
  • 06/12/05 A bit of work on the Powerplants page.
  • 02/10/05 Added lots of pictures from the recent Yeovilton Air Day to the gallery.
  • 24/09/05 Small update to the Gannet and added the Folland Gnat to the histories section.
  • 16/09/05 A busy summer schedule of airshows and realworld commitments have kept me away too long. I will have plenty of photos to add over the winter months and in the meantime I was inspired to do a page on the Breguet 1150 Atlantic after seeing one in the ‘flesh’, plus the newsletter is released every month.
  • 30/06/05 A sellection of my photo’s taken at this years Paris Air Show are in the gallery.
  • 16/06/05 Max Holste 152 updated in aircraft history. I’m struggling without broadband at present so updates are a bit thin on the ground.
  • 27/05/05 Most ‘blank’ history pages now have at least a picture or basic stats.
  • 27/05/05 Added a UKD hangar to the simulator pages
  • 15/05/05 Douglas DC-8 Super 60 and 70
  • 06/05/05 DeHavilland Chipmunk
  • 01/05/05 Addded Fokker 70/100 and McDD(Hughes) OH-6 Cayuse. Updated B-17
  • 10/04/05 Added B-17G and Airbus A380. Many blank pages added for sake of menus (will be filled in due course!). Several other pages updated: Credits, BAC 1-11 and Caravelle
  • 22/03/05 Boeing 757 in the history section.
  • 19/03/05 Boeing 717 landed in the aircraft history. Lots of work behind the scenes, more planes expected over this next week
  • 13/03/05 ATR42 added to aircraft history
  • 01/10/04 Early DC-8’s, Fairey Gannet and the Max Holste 152 added to aircraft history. New navigation systems being introduced to the website. New live customised newsfeed for planecrazy on the news page (where-else?) :)
  • 08/09/04 It’s been several months since any real updates were uploaded but I have been busy in the background and have maintained the regular newsletter. I am working on a new more professional look for the site and this is now being implemented. Its more than likely some links will be broken in the meantime, please be patient or send an email to point them out! :)
  • The links page has been updated and a few new aircarft histories will be added shortly. I have been learning to fly and some of my more interesting trips have been detailed in the monthly newsletter.
  • I have lots of photographs to add from visits to airfields and museams and hope to start expanding the Warbirds section I briefly started.
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